
Bird Trio-GX(Moltres&Zapdos&Articuno-GX)Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX Deck List

I will show you a victorious deck:Bird Trio/PheroBuzzGX(Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX).

Bird Trio(Moltres&Zapdos&Articuno-GX)Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX Deck List

deck code:1385-945015

Bird Trio(Moltres&Zapdos&Articuno-GX)

this card has high HP and also has powerful attacks. But when you attack, the card needs to be used with three different types of cards. I mean it is a difficult to attach them.

Phero BuzzGX(Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX)

[Jet punch]attack daes 30points of damage to you opponent’s active Pokemon and to one of your opponent’s benched Pokemon.
After the middle game, if you yse [Beast Ring]you can attach two energy cards to the card and use[Elegant sole] more easily.


It is difficult to attach the energy cards on Bird Trio.
But if you use this combination[Beast Ring]and [tag switch].
Bird Trio will attack easier.

プロモカードパック 25th ANNIVERSARY edition予約受付中!
プロモカードパック 25th ANNIVERSARY edition(10月22日発売予定)